How the Position of Planet Mars Effect your Married Life?
Astrology has made its way in our lives and has a strong impact on everyone’s life. There are few things that are considered good as per the astrology, while other things badly affect people’s life. One of such things is the position of Mars planet. Mars is never considered good for anyone’s married life and a person who is under the effect of this planet ends up facing several issues in his/her life. What exactly in Manglik Dosha ? As per the Indian Vedic astrology – if the plant mars is present in the 1 st , 2 nd , 4 th , 8 th or 12 th house during the time of a birth child, it is not at all considered good and the native one is referred as the Manglik. It is usually believed that bad position of mars planet badly affect the married life of Manglik people and when it is placed in one of those houses, it becomes even worse. Mars in Ascendant – This house says a lot about one’s stability, health and personality. If mars planet is located in this h...