How Presence of Mars in a Horoscope Affects a Native’s Marital Life in Manglik dosha
Matching of the horoscopes of the bride to be and the groom to be is done as per the tradition of Hindu households in India. This is considered especially for arranged marriages. As per some ancient authoritative texts, if both bride and groom are in love and want to go in for a love marriage, match-making will have minimal role in it as the present understanding between the couple will continue to play major role except in case of severe problems indicated in the horoscope . Love marriage specialist in Perth has explained further how the placement of Mars in various houses in horoscope results in problems in the life of a native. The placement of Mars planet would be a major determinant factor that would play a part in determining if a native is manglik or not. Generally, the placement of Mars in the 1 st (ascendant), 4th, 8th, 12 th house makes a person manglik. Some of the astrologers also consider presence of Mars in the second house too as an ind...